My Flat Pack (Formerly Mykea)

Via Apartment Therapy
Isn't the blog/web world a vast world? It's certainly one where we can rub each other's backs. I received an email the other day from My Flat Pack (formerly Mykea). They had found my posting about ordering my Ikea PS cabinet through them earlier this year and the PS cabinet visuals that I had collected from other sources. It is important to credit where you find your images and information. I found the above image via Apartment Therapy and it was this image that My Flat Pack were interested in to put on their home page. They asked for my permission as it would be via my blog and would also add the link to my blog along with it. Isn't that cool? Of course, I allowed it and they have done so - check it out here. What is also great is that My Flat Pack now have stock of certain Ikea products in Auckland - so if you want a PS cabinet (one of the stock items), it will arrive to your door in no time. I've yet to purchase my second one to go beside my existing one but handy to know that it is right there when I'm ready.