New Zealand Holiday Home from Dwell Magazine

Arrival at the Yates holiday home at Maramaratotara Bay.

The concrete slope at the back mimics the hillside landscape.

Kitchen and dining area.

Opening the sliders and the interior dining area becomes the outdoor dining area.

A great vibrant green used on the kitchen cabinetry.

Easy banter around the kitchen island.

Heading off to the beach.
Recently Dwell magazine (USA) profiled some New Zealand holiday homes and the images above is of one that was published in July/August of this year. Designed and inhabitated by architect, Amanda Yates, this home was built for her parents and the following generations. Set in the stunning location of Maramaratotara Bay, this home embraces the landscape and lets it dictate the architectural language. To see more great photos by Matthew Williams and read the article by Jeremey Hansen (editor of Home NZ magazine), go here.
Photographs by Matthew Williams via Dwell.