WEST EGG, Atlanta...

As with any trip, you simply have to check out the food scene. We head to Atlanta next week for the summer market and look forward to a few good meals during our stay. West Egg just got added to the list after reading the straightforward menu and checking out the repurposed decor. The challenge will be deciding which yummy course to order and persuading Randy to order my "second choice" so he can share it with me. The Country Captain is certainly at the top of the list with its chicken stewed in tomato curry with almonds, bacon, and coconut rice. Or should I go for the slow-roasted, cider braised pork shoulder with garlic grits and housemade pickles? Also on our Atlanta food radar are Market (featuring Jean-George Vongerichten's "greatest hits") and Richard Blais' Flip Burger Boutique (got to try that Nutella & Burnt Marshmallow Milkshake). We really enjoyed Abattoir in January, so a re-visit might be in order. Of course I'll keep you posted — with pictures.