Thila Homam Remedy for Pithru Dosha

Thila Homam or Tilahomam Vedic Ritual for Pithru Dosha Remedy
What is Thila Homam - Tila Homam, also spelled Thila Homam, is a powerful Vedic ritual performed with ‘Til’ or ‘Ellu’ to get rid of the difficulties arising due to Pithru Dosha (Ancestor Dhosham). Homam or Havanam are Hindu ritual of offering holy materials to the Agni or fire while chanting mantras. Thilahomam is mainly performed after offering Bali Tharpanam to forefathers. 

Reasons for Pitru Dosha

The main reasons for Pithru Dhosham (Pitru Dosha) are the non performances of srardhams and other rituals correctly to appease our ancestors. Similarly, Pitru Dosham may happen if anyone of the family members may have died in accidents or unnaturally and the departed soul does not get peace. According to various Purans, it is referred that if any ancestors up to the 4th generation on the mother’s side and up to the 7th generation on the father’s side may have died at an early age or have had an unnatural death, the currently generation may have been suffering from Pitru Dosha. And to remove this Pitru dosha we need to perform Bali Tharpanam and Thila Homam ritual correctly and satisfy our ancestors and obtain their blessings.
Temples Offering Thila Homam Poojas

Thila Homam is mainly offered in temples which offer Bali Tharpanam, Shradham, and Pithru Bali. Some famous temples where Pithru Dosha Parihara and Thila Homam can be done include Ramanathaswamy Temple in Rameswaram Tamil Nadu, Sree Parasurama Swamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram, Janardhana Swamy Temple in Varkala, and Thirunavaya Temple in Malappuram.